Wednesday, August 28, 2024

shots you (probably) never practice

 Whether you want to admit it or not, most golfers are creatures of habit — especially when it comes to their practice routine.

Most of us either grab a driver or a 7-iron to start, beat balls over and over until we feel good, then gradually move through the rest of our golf bag to ensure we hit a few decent shots with each club.

Sure, there’s often some structure — like hitting three drives to a target before moving to another club — but in most cases, it’s pretty loose in terms of a game plan.

If you want to get better, though, that needs to change.

Since golf practice happens on the range and not the course, it can be tricky to fully work on all types of shots. For example, you’re mostly not hitting out of a divot on the range to get a sense for club choice, contact and carry distance. In fact, most golfers don’t even work on real-life situations during golf practice, and oftentimes ignore using certain clubs or tricky lies.

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