© Elliot Erwitt / Magnum Photos
Written and Photo Edited by Joe Cuccio
The life of Elliot Erwitt was full of a whimsical exploration of humanity across the entire globe. Erwitt’s camera seemingly brought him all across the world to document monumental events and create impactful imagery that made viewers smile and see the wonders of life. Not only did Erwitt have a successful career as a photojournalist and a commissioned photographer, but he was also able to build a style of his own that could bring the viewer joy. The way he interacted with subjects always seemed to point to the most fascinating part of each human or collection of people, for he had a way of leaving the onlooker feeling a sense of bliss and awe toward life as a whole.

© Elliot Erwitt / Magnum Photos
This exhibition is a retrospective of the work of Erwitt held at La Sucrière, located in Lyon, France. The work encompassed here does a great job of showing viewers the diverse subject matter that Elliot Erwitt encountered. His camera gave him the agency to take part in some of the most pivotal points in history. He was able to document The Kitchen Debate between USSR leaders and those of the USA. He had the opportunity to travel the globe and promote the allure of certain places. Evidenced by his work on an advertisement for French Tourism, where he deployed his whimsical style to encompass many of the intriguing draws to France, he was often commissioned to bring out the best in certain countries. By having an overwhelming amount of people dressed in an assortment of cultural attire as two mates enjoy an evening together in an illustrious Victorian-style room, he was able to fit so much about the draw of France within one singular image. Only the great mind of Erwitt could have conceived of this well-thought-out, slightly overwhelming, and overtly comical scene. This type of image aligns with the many other images that he has made that always leave the viewer with a smile.
© Elliot Erwitt / Magnum Photos
One of the most famous sets of images Erwitt released into the world was a collection of photographs where he focused on dogs. Yes, that is right, dogs. The loveable “man’s best friend” was one of Erwitt’s greatest subjects of inspiration. He always brought forth his keen eye for the playful in every image, with his focus on canines as no exception. He was able to be incredibly observant of these furry friends as they interacted with their beloved owners and created images at the precise moment where undeniable comedic charm could be evoked. Erwitt would catch dogs in instances where the viewer would question what they see, and in the end, laugh as they realize the absurdity of the situation.

© Elliot Erwitt / Magnum Photos
Erwitt was able to engage with the everyday human experience in a way that felt connected to the world at large. He would make images all across the globe and catch people in a light that was most fitting to reveal the positivity that life has to offer. No matter where Erwitt went he could engage with humanity in a way that brought forth a light-hearted approach to experiencing the world. In one specific image, we see Erwitt studying people lounging along the beach. He deploys a great understanding of compositional strategies, such as leading lines, and clicks the shutter at the absolute appropriate instance, honing in on the relaxed nature of his subjects. The only person who reveals their face amidst a line of sunbathers is one woman who is soaking up the sun with a soft grin on her face. This points to Erwitt’s attention to the goodness of life, and the simple yet blissful moments we encounter. The world is full of moments of happiness and joy, and there is no escaping those realities when observing the imagery of Elliot Erwitt.
© Elliot Erwitt / Magnum Photos