Monday, March 17, 2025

Hitler and the banks

 What is the truth about Hitler and the banks?

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Michael Flores from Hidden Cold War History 
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05:31 (há 4 horas)
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What is the truth about Hitler and the banks?

You have seen the memes all over Facebook. "THE BANKS BACKED HITLER! DISNEY BACKED HITLER! THE ROTHSCHILDS BACKED HITLER!" and on and on it goes. All bullshit.


Franz von Papen with Hitler ca. 1933

First of all, take all the articles, documentaries, college lectures that mention Hitler and the banks unless they mention the Bank for International Settlement, and throw them out. This was the bank in charge of payments and loans to pay reparations for World War 1.

This is where you say outloud, the bank for international settlement? What the hell is that? Hitler had to find a way to become Chancellor, and they helped him.

January, 1933 there was a secret meeting at the home the German international banker Kurt von Schröder in the town of Cologne. Present at the meeting were Hitler, Nazi SS Chief Heinrich Himmler, Hitler’s secretary and deputy Rudolf Hess, recently resigned chancellor and friend of President Hindenburg, Franz von Papen, and Nazi Party economics advisor Wilhelm Keppler. Papen had been forced out of the chancellor post a month and a half earlier by von Schleicher and was bitter about it. Feeling that von Schleicher, a former friend, had worked to undermine him, Papen would now work to undermine von Schleicher. According to Kurt von Schröder’s sworn statement at the Nuremberg trials after World War II, here is what transpired at this meeting:

Nazi banker Kurt von Schröder after his capture at the end of World War II

“On 4 January 1933 Hitler, von Papen, Hess, Himmler and Keppler arrived at my house in Cologne. Hitler, von Papen and I went into my study where a two-hour discussion took place. Hess, Himmler and Keppler did not take part but were in the adjoining room . . . The negotiations took place exclusively between Hitler and Papen…Papen went on to say that he thought it best to form a government in which the conservative and nationalist elements that had supported him were represented together with the Nazis. He suggested that this new government should, if possible, be led by Hitler and himself together. Then Hitler made a long speech in which he said that, if he were to be elected Chancellor, Papen’s followers could participate in his (Hitler’s) Government as Ministers if they were willing to support his policy which was planning many alterations in the existing state of affairs. He outlined these alterations, including the removal of all Social Democrats, Communists and Jews from leading positions in Germany and the restoration of order in public life. Von Papen and Hitler reached agreement in principle whereby many of the disagreements between them could be removed and cooperation might be possible. It was agreed that further details could be worked out later either in Berlin or some other suitable place…This meeting between Hitler and Papen on 4 January 1933 in my house in Cologne was arranged by me after Papen had asked me for it on about 10 December 1932. Before I took this step I talked to a number of businessmen and informed myself generally on how the business world viewed a collaboration between the two men. The general desire of businessmen was to see a strong man come to power in Germany who would form a government that would stay in power for a long time…”

In addition to this, one of the points stressed by Hitler at the meeting was that Germany needed to become economically autonomous and self-sufficient. To accomplish this it would be necessary that the nation free itself completely of the last vestiges of the hated reparations payments; which, though the future payments had now been written off, still existed in the form of payments now required on the loans and bonds undertaken to make the earlier reparations payments mandated by the Dawes and Young Plans. Along with administering Germany’s now non-existent reparations payments, the BIS also had responsibility for administering these still valid Dawes and Young Plan loan repayments.

The banks were not helping Hitler. Why would they, when his party did so poorly in elections? But the bank in charge of the payments could take “funny money”, could delay or refuse payments, could use their position to help Hitler become Chancellor.

When Hitler came to power, the German banks were broke as was the nation. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany.

In 1933 Hitler issued his own National Socialist currency bypassing all banks. Hitler then started the New deal on steroids. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were hired by the state and paid with funny money. The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.

Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. Venezuela did the same under Chavez However eventually IOU's become due, and that led to Venezuela’s economic crisis. Funny money eventually becomes due. When the bills became due for payment, Germany was being bombed and people lost everything again. So why did Reds teach us it was the banks that helped Hitler, when they were in no position to? Good question. Because it's propaganda.

The fact is Hitler's war machine was built by the Soviets. In 1937 when the negotiations for the Hitler-Stalin peace pact began Hitler began trading raw materials for weapons. It now appears that Hitler and Stalin collaborated in the Arctic region to sink U.S. and British ships, killing all onboard to eliminate witnesses. That was an act of war and had we known we would have retaliated against both. But we didn't.

From 1938 until the end of 1941 Communists, leftists and liberals world wide hailed Hitler. In a Red rally in 1941 that a member of the German American Bund spoke at Dalton Trumbo called Hitler "the savior of the Jewish people".

Reds were allowed in Germany to publish their paper again, and they helped identify and give stars to Jews. Pete Seeger joined the CPUSA after Hitler and Stalin began praising each other. Keep in mind, America's left, liberals and reds praised Hitler's "new form of socialism". Hitler even made the cover of Time Magazine. The Rothschilds by the way, had left Germany years earlier when Hitler's oppression of Jews began. Yet have you ever seen a meme about any of this? It’s always George Bush, the Rothschilds, Walt Disney.

Divert, divert, divert.

The Communist Party joined with the pro-Hitler German American Bund to stage crippling strikes against our defense industry. That's called sabotage. Let's add it up shall we?

Everyone did business with Germany in the `1930's, so that alone means nothing.

No bank financed Hitler and if they wanted to, they would have had the money seized for World War 1 reparations. Hitler started his own currency and used trade with Russia to build his military.

The Russians and Germans sank our ships without our knowledge in Antarctica (I suspect they sank 11 ships) during their time working together.

Reds, liberals and the left all hailed Hitler for several years and in Germany helped identify the Jews from 1938 until the invasion of Poland in 1941.

Hitler and the national socialists had worked with the Reds in Germany before, on several transit strikes and the first "anti-big box" chain stores boycotts. Keep in mind that prior to World War 2 Marxists believed all Jews that did not renounce their religion, all Poles, Czechs, Slavic people in general would have to be exterminated for the worker's paradise to come about. For some reason this was eliminated from the writings of Marx and Engels after the second world war. I wonder why? LOL!

Behind the paywall: The Hidden Story of Nazi Drug Abuse | Blitzed: Nazis On Drugs

In 1938 a drug called Pervitin was created in Nazi Germany. This drug was distributed to German soldiers during the course of WW2 and Hitler was no exception to these drug highs receiving drug cocktails from his personal physical Theodor Morell. This film explores the use of drugs in WW2 and looks at the potential effects that drugs could have had on Hitler, soldiers and the war itself.

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PO Box 167963, Chicago, IL 60616

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