Wednesday, August 28, 2024

ball position

 Where you put the ball in your stance can drastically impact your numbers.

Getty Images

Welcome to Play Smart, a regular game-improvement column that will help you play smarter, better golf.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the mechanics of the golf swing. There are countless adjustments you can make in the way you swing the club that will influence how you hit the shot. However, the easiest (and often most effective!) tweaks you can make come before you ever take the club back.

Setup is an easy element of the swing to overlook. It’s not exactly “sexy” to grind over how you stand over the ball. But without consistently nailing this essential element of the swing, you’ll never be in a position to find success.

One element of the setup that is incredibly important is ball position. And while you might think this positioning is mundane, it can drastically impact your swing numbers.

Instructor Adam Young — a terrific follow on X for anyone obsessed with game improvement — recently posted a thread explaining the basics on ball position, and we break it down below.

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