Sunday, August 28, 2016

TFT'd new play censorship is a bitch with the Sugarburg boy as "THE BITCH"

TFT'd new play censorship is a bitch with the Sugarburg boy as "THE BITCH"

Inside Facebook’s (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine

Inside Facebook’s (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine

cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg IS A BITCH

TFT'd new play censorship is a bitch with the Sugarburg boy as "THE BITCH"

cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg IS A BITCH

Inside Facebook’s (Totally Insane, Unintentionally Gigantic, Hyperpartisan) Political-Media Machine

cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg IS A BITCH

  • cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg
  • cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg
cala-te puta in June. This accelerating growth is attributed by Rivero, and by nearly every left-leaning page operator I spoke with, not just to interest in the election but especially to one campaign in particular: “Bernie Sanders is the Facebook candidate,” Rivero says. The rise of Occupy Democrats essentially mirrored the rise of Sanders’s primary run. On his page, Rivero started quoting text from Sanders’s frequent email blasts, turning them into Facebook-ready memes with a consistent aesthetic: colors that pop, yellow on black. Rivero says that it’s clear what his audience wants. “I’ve probably made 10,000 graphics, and it’s like running 10,000 focus groups,” he said. (Clinton was and is, of course, widely discussed by Faceboo cala-te puta k users: According to the company, in the last month 40.8 million people “generated interactions” around the candidate. But Rivero says that in the especially engaged, largely oppositional left-wing-page ecosystem, Clinton’s message and cautious brand didn’t carry.)
Because the Sanders campaign has come to an end, these sites have been left in a peculiar position, having lost their unifying figure as well as their largest source of engagement. Audiences grow quickly on Facebook but can disappear even more quickly; in the case of left-leaning pages, many had accumulated followings not just by speaking to Sanders supporters but also by being intensely critical, and often utterly dismissive, of Clinton.
Continue reading the main story

cala-te puta foi o nbew york times q1ue disse 1º ao trump e agora ao menino zuckerberg IS A BITCH

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