Greetings from Vienna. Today, the first day of the last week of 2024, we’d like to thank all our readers for their constant, enthusiastic support. It has buoyed our spirits and inspired us to continue with our broad civilisational mission.
A great deal has happened in the three years since our (re)launch in the Summer of 2021—from publishing a professionally-produced quarterly magazine to hosting international events, opening our Brussels office, and developing an international daily news team. We also started producing edifying and thought-provoking video content for our YouTube channel.
To be sure, not everyone has fully appreciated our vision: to combine and reintegrate politics and current affairs with philosophy, beauty, art, and culture. But many of our fans worldwide understand it as we do: that politics is indeed downstream from the cultural and the spiritual. Guided by this vision, we have built up quite a following, one that includes analysts, scholars, politicians, and ordinary people across Europe and the UK, in North and South America, and as far away as Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. For all of this, we are very grateful.
These past three years have been characterised by great achievements, unexpected challenges, and the realization that more is needed: more publications, more start-up organisations, more heroic individuals willing to fight alongside us and others in the same foxhole. The counter-revolutionary spirit about which we have so often spoken is alive and well, and the cudgel has been taken up by others. 'Disruptive conservatism,' dissident ideas on the Right, and the realization that we need to do more to fight against the corrupt establishment are all in the ascendant. These developments are all something we can celebrate.
We can also celebrate the fact that The European Conservative project has continued to grow. Now, as we prepare to start 2025, we are poised for a new chapter in our history—one that will require greater agility and specialisation. To this end, as we briefly announced in an editorial last week, The European Conservative will be split into two specialised divisions, described as follows.
The online division, based in Brussels and known as europeanconservative.com, will continue under new leadership to publish news, commentary, and analysis from across Europe and to expose the shenanigans taking place in the Brussels 'bubble.' The print division will focus on the growth of our flagship print quarterly The European Conservative, and launching other exciting print projects. Under our leadership, The European Conservative magazine will continue in its mission to be Europe’s premier conservative journal of philosophy, politics, literature, and the arts—and, in the process, expand networks on the Right. We must unite the Right in all its forms and expressions.
The two divisions will each have their own accounts on X: @EuroConOfficial for the online division and a new handle—@EuroConMag—for the print quarterly. We ask all of you who liked us before to also follow this new account. There, you’ll find the same high-level writing, thought-provoking essays, and beautiful artwork that you have come to expect from us. Join us.
Thank you all—and see you in 2025.
Alvino-Mario Fantini, editor-in-chief, The European Conservative Ellen Fantini, deputy editor-in-chief, The European Conservative |
The European Conservative: A Look Back |
 | Summer 2021 Issue 19: Our (re)launch
“A truly humane vision of the world seeks not to control different opinions but to challenge assumptions. It welcomes the expansion of the public square and detests its diminution—and seeks to provoke that transformative shift in paradigms that precedes any real learning."
Read our editorial... |
 | Fall 2021 Issue 20
"The defence of Christendom against the Turks was a dominant feature of the pontificate of Pius V (1566-1572). In the second half of the 16th century, Islam had reached the apex of its expansion from the Red Sea to Gibraltar, from Baghdad to Budapest, reaching the gates of Vienna." From Roberto de Mattei's "Saint Pius V, the Pope of Lepanto"
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 | Winter 2021 Issue 21
"The political agenda of a federal Europe— a ‘United States of Europe’—has never been as clearly on the agenda as it is today. If Brussels wants to keep the project of the EU going, it must abandon its imperial trajectory. In the coming years, I hope to see more member states assert the sovereignty that truly belongs to them—but to do so within the EU." From Balázs Orbán's "The EU as Empire?"
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 | Spring 2022 Issue 22
"The conservatism that is in the ascendent worldwide—i.e., the Right that we find most promising and exciting—is, ironically, a disruptive one. It seeks to push back against the confines and strictures by which the media and our cultural elites—in collusion with the International Left (often with the support of supposed ‘conservatives’)—have bound us."
Read our editorial... |
 | Summer 2022 Issue 23
This issue sold out after WH Smith 'canceled' us in the UK for publishing a Bob Moran cartoon depicting the daily experience of today's children...
See the cartoon here... |
 | Fall 2022 Issue 24
"Too often, champions of a robust, more dissident or populist conservatism have been vilified by some of the overly cautious gate-keepers on the Right. We need to continue to nurture the nationalist-populist rebellion that erupted in 2016."
Read our editorial... |
 | Winter 2022 Issue 25
"Today, the image of the cave is regarded with suspicion. It seems to call for rule by experts and social engineers, for a tyranny of technocrats: a dubious, if not diabolical, prospect." From "The Cave Beneath the Cave" by Michael Millerman
Read more here... |
 | Spring 2023 Issue 26
"Much like Mr. Trump’s ‘mean tweets,’ the modern historian focuses on the political incorrectness of Powell’s rhetoric, rather than the substance of his warnings." From Raheem Kassam's "Enoch Remains Right"
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 | Summer 2023 Issue 27
"The establishment powers behind today’s mainstream parties actively take steps to block newcomers. This is short-sighted, for whether they are ‘populist’ or ‘nationalist,’ the new parties resonate deeply with the ‘regular guy’: John Doe. People like him are unashamedly patriotic, protective of their families and communities, and willing to disrupt the ineffective and outdated ‘Conservatism, Inc.’"
Read our editorial... |
 | Autumn/Fall 2024 Issue 28
"The biggest mistake we make is in believing that we are in a so-called ‘culture war.’ The phrase ‘culture war’ assumes that both sides have rival cultures they are battling to defend and promote. However, the enemies of civilisation, of life, and love, have no culture. If anything, their aim is not only to destroy the great cultural and spiritual achievements of the West, but to lay waste to anything that transcends the diabolical and obscene." From Mark Dooley's "The Religion of Antichrist"
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 | Winter 2023 Issue 29
"Sebastian Morello compellingly argues that the authentic conservative must open himself to the grace which is the ultimate remedy for our human and modern discontents." From Daniel J. Mahoney's review of Conservatism and Grace by Sebastian Morello
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 | Spring 2024 Issue 30
"The Revolution has happened. The sole antidote is counter-revolution. Defining what that entails is the challenge now, before which all other disagreements are insignificant." From an Interview with Robin Harris by Álvaro Peñas
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 | Summer 2024 Issue 31
"Without being grounded in philosophical—and, dare we say moral—foundations, we see day-to-day politics as simply moves on a chessboard. As our online content dealing with political and electoral issues grows, we renew our commitment to continue emphasising the intellectual, cultural, and spiritual ideas that underlie the political. Politicians alone will never be the ones to save our civilization."
Read our editorial... |
 | Autumn/Fall 2024 Issue 32
"In my book, Le Grand Remplacement, the idea of a conspiracy never arises. That would be a totally ridiculous way of describing the enormity of the industrial, financial, cybernetic, and even metaphysical mechanisms that have led to this disaster. Since the Great Replacement is not a theory but a fact, it cannot be a conspiracy theory or a theory of the far Right. From an Interview with Renaud Camus by Louis Betty & Ethan Rundell
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SYMPOSIA with Sebastian Morello |
 | A new episode premieres tonight! In the third part of a special three-part episode of Symposia, European Conservative senior editor Sebastian Morello, having travelled into the heart of South Africa to investigate Europe’s amazing legacy in that land, speaks with regenerative farmer William Maitland-Makgill-Crichton about conservation in the Great Karoo semi-desert, the moral relation between hunter and quarry, and South Africa’s hopeful but fragile future. |
THE FORGE with Harrison Pitt |
 | In this episode, Harrison sits down with the distinguished theologian Nigel Biggar for a sceptical discussion of a much-cherished concept: rights. So often taken for granted in the post-war era, the modern world's obsession with rights in fact gives rise to serious problems. What is the proper relationship of these alleged rights to other important concerns, from duties and virtues to democratic politics and national traditions? Do natural and/or human rights exist at all? And even if they do, how did rights-talk come to be so effectively weaponised by utopian activists? |
REALITY CHECK with Jan Bentz |
 | In this episode of Reality Check, Jan and Dr. Dan T. Sheffler dive into the enduring relevance of Plato and the Socratic method, discussing its potential pitfalls in a modern culture that prizes doubt over wisdom. Dr. Sheffler shares insights on intellectual humility, the delicate balance between questioning and conviction, and how philosophy offers timeless solutions to humanity's recurring challenges. They also explore Platonism’s emphasis on the Good in relation to Being, and whether conservatives are natural Platonists. Tune in for a profound conversation on education, soul-care, and the pursuit of truth in an age of superficial certainty. |
Available now! Winter 2024, Issue 33 |
The perfect Christmas gift! Print Subscription (4 Issues) |
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