Europe | Translation

Emmanuel Macron in his own words (English)

The French president’s interview with The Economist

The French president, Emmanuel Macron during an interview with The Economist
photograph: ed alcock / myop
Leaders | A region in mortal danger

Emmanuel Macron’s urgent message for Europe

The French president issues a dark and prophetic warning

Emmanuel Macron speaking in his office
image: ed alcock/myop

In 1940, after France had been defeated by the Nazi blitzkrieg, the historian Marc Bloch condemned his country’s inter-war elites for having failed to face up to the threat that lay ahead. Today Emmanuel Macron cites Bloch as a warning that Europe’s elites are gripped by the same fatal complacency.

France’s president set out his apocalyptic vision in an interview with The Economist in the Elysée Palace. It came days after his delivery of a big speech about the future of Europe—an unruly, two-hour, Castro-scale marathon, ranging from nuclear annihilation to an alliance of European libraries. Mr Macron’s critics called it a mix of electioneering, the usual French self-interest and the intellectual vanity of a Jupiterian president thinking about his legacy.

Editor’s note: The interview was conducted at the Elysée Palace in Paris on April 29th. The French transcript has been lightly edited for clarity. This English translation was done by The Economist

The Economist: In your speech at the Sorbonne, you said that “Europe can die”. What does that actually mean? What is at stake?