Sunday, January 1, 2023

ensaio sobre a ceg... riqueza

 ensaio sobre a cegueira… riqueza

 ensaio sobre a cegueira… riqueza

Este texto era para ser escrito quando se soubesse, finalmente, para onde ia jogar o Sr. Cê Erre Seis-e-meio, vulgo Cristiano Aveiro (CR6e1/2).

Isso ocorreu praticamente no fim de ano de 22… nem deu para celebrar na rua com fogo de artifício porque os autarcas se acobardaram… 

[(mas quem pagou os foguetes já encomendados? Como este, há muitos outros assuntos de corrupção na política que têm sido preteridos pela futebolite; por isso vamos acabar com o caso de cegueira à volta do ídolo português para sobrar tempo para as questões mais importantes da nossa sociedade.)]

Assim, o texto foi sendo redigo já no início de 2023.

Voltando ao título, riqueza é a dele - jogador de futebol de sucesso; cegueira é a  nossa,  ou melhor, daqueles tugas que não conseguem distinguir o passado do presente.

Não quisemos falar antes, que foi quando toda a gente falou: antes do mundial e durante o mundial - e até ao Natal.

A explicação é simples e o Ronaldo percebe-a porque ele próprio estava à espera do mesmo:

- se, depois de tudo de errado que fez no Manchester (incluindo a entrevista), ainda conseguisse arranjar emprego na Europa

- ou, caso contrário, podia ir ganhar muito dinheiro para as arábias mas a sua carreira levava um rude golpe!

E muito ele adiou… até que os beduínos exigiram resposta. Assim, temos os dados para poder falar:

- Europa nada!

- restou aquilo que ele próprio - anos antes - tinha considerado indigno: acabar a carreira numa liga menor.

Mas está aí a riqueza… quando menos ele a vai merecer… em campo!

A cegueira, por outro lado, é dupla:

- é dele, por não querer admitir que é um jogador em fim de carreira, por atuar como uma prima-dona e assim ser parte do PROBLEMA e não da solução

- e é daqueles tugas fanáticos que não percebem que o seu ídolo já não é o mesmo, está a fazer disparates e não aceitam que quem assinala os erros do Ronaldo atual (única forma de o ajudar) não está a apagar com todo o seu passado de sucesso!

A parte futebolística é a mais simples de explicar e muitas equipas de clubes ou países já passaram por isso:

- quando se diz que o plantel é o jogador X + 10 já sabemos que vamos ter problemas!

O FCPorto teve isso quando um treinador chegava e dizia que "a equipa é o Gomes mais dez"!

No Campeonato do Mundo, para qualquer treinador de bancada ou dona de casa atarefada, Portugal é obviamente o Ronaldo mais dez!

Com isto satisfazem-se os desejos das bancadas mas prejudica-se a equipa, as suas opções, o ambiente competitivo interno, a ambição de todos, a unidade do grupo, a autoridade do treinador e finalmente os resultados desportivos!

Até parece que não houve o jogo Portugal - Suíça!! Quando os jogadores deixaram de ter a obrigação de passar para o CR6e1/2 - que já não corre como antes - ganharam outra alegrias e brilharam!

E o Ronaldo esquece que os outros não têm obrigação de lhe mandar a bola quando está "NA MAMA" à espera que lhe façam o trabalho para ele finalizar e marcar mais um golo(para com isso aumentar a sua conta bancária).

É importante perceber isto: Portugal podia ter tido um muito melhor desempenho se o Ronaldo não nos tivesse prejudicado - diretamente pelas suas atitudes e indiretamente pela pressão dos fans contra o treinador.

Enquanto o treinador for cruxificado por colocar um jogador no banco a equipa sofre!!

As críticas que devem ser feitas a Ronaldo NÃO ANULAM O SEU PASSADO! Quem não percebe isto sofre de CEGUEIRA...
[(ou está apaixonado e tem que se tratar! Como ele está nas arábias onde há haréns pode ser que aceite ter várias e vários cônjuges. Que panisgas! A estupidez é tal que uma pessoa irrita-se... e há tantos problemas mais importantes no mundo)]

Aliás o momento mais alto do futebol português (a final do único europeu que ganhamos) deu-se com o Ronaldo no banco... lesionado ou não é outra questão. Mas nessa altura o CR7 teve a atitude certa: incentivou os colegas, de fora do campo, e o Éder correspondeu.

Quanto à parte não futebolística, tem a ver com os aspetos da sua personalidade que agora lhe estão a causar problemas: à sua carreira e à da equipa Portugal.

Uma coisa é determinação e persistência; outra coisa é egoísmo e casmurrice.

O ultimato ao seu agente e amigo Jorge Mendes; o corte de relações com ele mostram um Ronaldo diferente do que tentou exibir antes! E por falar em exibicionismo, a cena da namorada e os carros "de prenda" ou vice versa são um insulto a quem vive com dificuldades; não exigimos hipocrisia... apenas moderação. E a capacidade de ter outros interesses na vida!

As cenas de intransigência de magnata árabe nas questões da sua casa na Quinta da Marinha e do clube de golf vizinho são de um novo-riquismo e arrogância sem igual!

Precisa urgentemente de outro tipo de entourage!

Se nessa corte ou séquito só procura yes-men ou women não iria contar com Jorge Mendes: este já tinha discordado com as coisas que o CR6e1/2 andava a fazer em Manchester... intrigar no balneário contra outros jogadores do clube, criticar dirigentes etc.

A Europa do futebol percebeu isto » neste momento por onde passa é uma fonte de problemas e prejudica todos (colegas e treinadores, Fernando Santos e a seleção portuguesa no mundial que o digam... e os resultados falam por si).

Ele vai ter que aprender a envelhecer ou vai ser motivo de muita chacota!

Nós sempre fomos fans dele, não só pelo trabalho futebolístico mas pelo domínio das redes sociais; neste campo nenhum português foi tão longe; e parecia que tinha conseguido gerir a posição de ídolo internacional, apesar de ser com a mãezinha sempre atrás, das peripécias à volta da mãe do seu filho, de cenas de suposto assédio, tipicamente americanas (date rape).

Sempre combatemos aqueles tugas que votavam Messi quando se discutia quem era o melhor jogador.

Mas por isso é que devemos assinalar quando o nosso ídolo está a fazer borrada!

E o país que se cure desta "deusificação" da pessoa: a orfandade de ídolos leva a que qualquer coisa que envolva o CR serve para preencher espaço: se volta à Europa via Newcastle porque os donos são beduínos, se é o Dortmund que o quer, se alguém do clube x falou com ele, etc... tudo - a seguir - dá direito a desmentidos, mas para os tugas em estado de "coma e letargia de falta de ídolo" esta miséria vai mantendo a ligação à máquina e esperança de vida vegetativa...

Como? Querem mais? Estão com falta de ar? OK

"Familiares de clube adversário esperam no fim do jogo para tirar fotos com Ronaldo"...

Será que os tugas não percebem que isto só prova que ele está mesmo no sítio errado; em qualquer campeonato habituado a bons jogadores estas cenas não seriam notícia e por isso fica ridículo o valor desportivo de outras notícias como

"Ronaldo marca 3 vezes na Arábia Saudita"

Está na altura de procurar novos ídolos ou arranjar uma vida para além dos Cês e dos Erres... quanto aos números ele tem muitos... no banco! Perceberam?... no BANCO!


(criação textual do coletivo abrangente T f T « The fLIPADOS Team)



muitas notas e ligações para textos sobre o assunto.

(criação artística do coletivo abrangente T f T « The flipados tEAM)

ensaio sobre a cegueira... riqueza

ensaio sobre a cegueira... riqueza

ensaio sobre a cegueira... riqueza


That is only one club. Until other clubs come forward and say they made a genuine offer, it's still only his word.

1 older reply

  • Its his ego and attitude that is the problem no one wanted him simple

  • You actually think he can tell no lie? He said he wanted to leave MU to play CL football and was waiting for offers from clubs in the CL which never came. They all turned him down. Still think his move is strategic?

Crónica de um "divórcio" há muito anunciado

As palavras recentes do jornalista entram assim em choque com as mais recentes declarações da Gestifute, empresa de Jorge Mendes que desde 2003 gere a carreira do atleta de 37 anos, e que partilhou recentemente com o jornal Público o desconhecimento de quaisquer propostas de clubes europeus para contratação de CR7 neste mercado de inverno.

Tal como o Porto Canal noticiou, Cristiano Ronaldo e Jorge Mendes encontram-se neste momento de costas voltadas, tendo a transferência para o clube de Riad não sido mediada por Jorge Mendes. O negócio da contratação terá sido entregue a Ricardo Regufe, descrito como o “inseparável melhor amigo de Cristiano Ronaldo”, que terá obtido uma comissão de 30 milhões de euros com o negócio.

Jorge Mendes ter-se-á afastado de CR7 após a entrevista do craque a Piers Morgan, que ditou a sua saída dos "red devil". O empresário de 56 anos terá aconselhado o jogador a manter-se no Manchester United, tendo em conta a inexistência de propostas aliciantes de clubes europeus.

Na sequência do falhanço na conquista do Campeonato de Mundo, pela seleção das quinas, Cristiano Ronaldo manteve a esperança de continuar a jogar num clube de alto nível do palco europeu, ambição que não terá sido correspondida pelo agente do jogador mas sim pelo antigo representante da Nike que conheceu Ronaldo quando o mesmo dava ainda os primeiros passos no Sporting.

Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia’s Al Nassr: Rejection, revenge and soft power

Dan SheldonOliver Kay and more

Jan 11, 2023

During the explosive interview that effectively ended his Manchester United career, it was put to Cristiano Ronaldo that a move to Saudi Arabia would be beneath him.

“You want to keep playing at the highest level,” Piers Morgan suggeste

The Athletic 

Patrocinado  · 

After Real laughed off a potential reunion and with his agent Jorge Mendes frozen out, Ronaldo bowed to the inevitable and joined Al Nassr




Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s move to Saudi Arabia’s Al Nassr: Rejection, revenge and soft power

After Real laughed off a potential reunion and with his agent Jorge Mendes frozen out, Ronaldo bowed to the inevitable and joined Al Nassr


 relógios de mau gosto e dimensão de relógio de parede

Al-Nassr confirm Cristiano Ronaldo contract plan has changed after just two games

Cristiano Ronaldo has failed to find the net in any of his two competitive appearances for new club Al-Nassr and the club's plans for him appear to have changed

 ensaio sobre a cegueira… riqueza
Cristiano Ronaldo currently lives in the Four Seasons Hotel in Saudi Arabia

Cristiano Ronaldo is continuing to live a life of luxury in Saudi Arabia as he stays at the same hotel used by Newcastle.

The forward made the switch to the Middle East recently as he sought a new challenge following his Manchester United exit. Al-Nassr offered the Portuguese star huge sums to make the unconventional move, but with few other options on the table, Ronaldo accepted.

He's presence has raised the profile of football in the kingdom, but the player himself was keen to remain in Europe before making the move. The Champions League has been a stage on which he's thrived, which has led to links with the Saudi-owned Newcastle, who could finish in the top four this term.

The Magpies were bought by Saudi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) last season and have enjoyed a rapid rise, in part down to some shrewd recruitment. Eddie Howe is steering the club in the right direction but has distanced Newcastle from lucrative a move for Ronaldo.

He said in October: "We're trying to provide long-term growth, we've got a longer-term vision. At the moment, we have quite an ageing squad, so we probably need to invest in more young players. That's probably a big part of our progression, really. We need to get the average age down, so it might not be a signing [Ronaldo] that we would necessarily look to make – but not under-estimating the quality of the player."

Newcastle, despite having millions at their disposal, have not added headline names, instead preferring to sign players with potential. The likes of Sven Botman, Alexander Isak and Anthony Gordon have all arrived at St James' Park in the last 12 months.

Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections
Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections 
Getty Images)

Saudi's owners have not yet seen a major name arrive in the north east, but Ronaldo wouldn't certainly raise their profile. The 37-year-old is in the twilight years of his career but did score 18 times in the league for United last term despite their struggles.

Ronaldo is currently occupying 17 suites at The Four Seasons hotel in Riyadh. It is reported to cost over £250,000-a-month with Ronaldo and his family said to be staying in the two-floor Kingdom suite, which has gold and marble accents throughout the rooms. Newcastle's squad stayed at the same hotel when they went to Saudi Arabia for a recent tour.

The five-time Ballon d'Or winner has endured a mixed start to life on the pitch in the Middle east. He made his debut in an all-

Cristiano Ronaldo currently lives in the Four Seasons Hotel in Saudi Arabia
Cristiano Ronaldo currently lives in the Four Seasons Hotel in Saudi Arabia

Cristiano Ronaldo is continuing to live a life of luxury in Saudi Arabia as he stays at the same hotel used by Newcastle.

The forward made the switch to the Middle East recently as he sought a new challenge following his Manchester United exit. Al-Nassr offered the Portuguese star huge sums to make the unconventional move, but with few other options on the table, Ronaldo accepted.

He's presence has raised the profile of football in the kingdom, but the player himself was keen to remain in Europe before making the move. The Champions League has been a stage on which he's thrived, which has led to links with the Saudi-owned Newcastle, who could finish in the top four this term.

The Magpies were bought by Saudi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) last season and have enjoyed a rapid rise, in part down to some shrewd recruitment. Eddie Howe is steering the club in the right direction but has distanced Newcastle from lucrative a move for Ronaldo.

He said in October: "We're trying to provide long-term growth, we've got a longer-term vision. At the moment, we have quite an ageing squad, so we probably need to invest in more young players. That's probably a big part of our progression, really. We need to get the average age down, so it might not be a signing [Ronaldo] that we would necessarily look to make – but not under-estimating the quality of the player."

Newcastle, despite having millions at their disposal, have not added headline names, instead preferring to sign players with potential. The likes of Sven Botman, Alexander Isak and Anthony Gordon have all arrived at St James' Park in the last 12 months.

Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections
Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections 
Getty Images)

Saudi's owners have not yet seen a major name arrive in the north east, but Ronaldo wouldn't certainly raise their profile. The 37-year-old is in the twilight years of his career but did score 18 times in the league for United last term despite their struggles.

Ronaldo is currently occupying 17 suites at The Four Seasons hotel in Riyadh. It is reported to cost over £250,000-a-month with Ronaldo and his family said to be staying in the two-floor Kingdom suite, which has gold and marble accents throughout the rooms. Newcastle's squad stayed at the same hotel when they went to Saudi Arabia for a recent tour.

The five-time Ballon d'Or winner has endured a mixed start to life on the pitch in the Middle east. He made his debut in an all-star game that saw him come up against Lionel Messi. Earlier this week he failed to score as Al-Nassr were beaten in the Saudi Super Cup semi-final by game that saw him come up against Lionel Messi. Earlier this week he failed to score as Al-Nassr were beaten in the Saudi Super Cup semi-final by Al-Ittihad.

Ronaldo receives rapturous welcome from Al Nassr fans

Al-Nassr boss Rudi Garcia has claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo will not end his football career at the club and he will return to European football.

Things have not gone entirely to plan for the Portuguese superstar after completing a stunning move to the Saudi Arabian club earlier this month. Garcia's league leaders were dumped out of the Saudi Super Cup by close rivals Al-Ittihad on Thursday, with captain Ronaldo blanking once again following his goalless debut appearance last Sunday.

Garcia did not shy away from criticising his new talisman for missing a glorious chance during the game. "One of the things that changed the course of the match was Cristiano's missed opportunity in the first half," the boss assessed after the game.

The boss did not hold back in what he felt was wrong with the Portuguese superstar’s integration into his team. Garcia was critical of his teammates for passing to him too frequently while also claiming that Ronaldo’s positioning was too similar to that of teammate Anderson Talisca.

Ronaldo’s decision to move to the Saudi Arabian club came after no European club was prepared to offer him a contract last summer. The player’s wage demands coupled with his diminishing returns on the pitch and advancing years ensured that his options were limited.

During his bombshell interview with Piers Morgan that ended his relationship with Manchester United by mutual consent in November, Ronaldo confidently agreed that his decision to reject a move to the Middle East showed how keen he was to still compete at the top level in Europe.

Ronaldo is yet to score for Al-Nassr in a competitive match since signing
Ronaldo is yet to score for Al-Nassr in a competitive match since signing 
Noor Abdelfatah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Have Your SayDo you think Ronaldo should return to European football? Tell us what you think here.

"If it was just about money, you'd be in Saudi Arabia earning this king's ransom, but that's not what motivates you," Morgan preened at Ronaldo, before adding: "You want to keep at the top." Ronaldo, in nodding acknowledgement, responded: "Exactly."

Ronaldo said upon his move to the Middle East that his career in European club football is ‘over’ and declared: "I am fortunate that I have won everything I set out to win in European football. I feel now that this is the right moment to share my experience in Asia."

Al-Nassr boss Garcia has now said: “He is one of the best players in the world. He will not finish his career at Al-Nassr, he will return to Europe.” This contradicts reports, including from ESPN, from earlier this month that claimed Ronaldo's plan was to retire at the club - as suggested by the player himself.

Ronaldo has been criticised in some quarters for choosing to end his career in Saudi Arabia. Former Liverpool star Jamie Carragher compared him negatively with Messi, following the Argentine's World Cup win.

"In some ways, it's a sad end for him, Carragher told Sky Sports. "Two of the greatest players in Messi and Ronaldo - Ronaldo has finished his career during an interview with Piers Morgan and Messi has won the World Cup. It's not the best way to go out."


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All Comments

    1. Very strange, it’s been 2 games! Granted it’s pub league quality but this feels a bit over dramatic, I assume he’s more hassle than he’s worth or he’s not bringing in enough money from being their so they’re trying to get him to quit! For a guy supposedly switched on and professional how has he let his career go like this? Sacking your agent because your delusional thoughts made you think top clubs would blow their wage budget to sign a declining, aging guy who will kill the dressing room. Then doing that interview, juventus weren’t fans of you, you killed your United rep and now you’re too toxic for Saudi Arabia. Just retire you embarrassment, it’ll be tough because football was your thing, you don’t have any charisma or personality so your scared now when football goes no one will care, rightly so

    Cristiano Ronaldo living in lavish hotel used by Newcastle amid talks of transfer clause

    Cristiano Ronaldo is currently living it up in Saudi Arabia following his move to Al-Nassr but links continue regarding a move to Newcastle, who have strong connections with the kingdom

    Cristiano Ronaldo currently lives in the Four Seasons Hotel in Saudi Arabia
    Cristiano Ronaldo currently lives in the Four Seasons Hotel in Saudi Arabia

    Cristiano Ronaldo is continuing to live a life of luxury in Saudi Arabia as he stays at the same hotel used by Newcastle.

    The forward made the switch to the Middle East recently as he sought a new challenge following his Manchester United exit. Al-Nassr offered the Portuguese star huge sums to make the unconventional move, but with few other options on the table, Ronaldo accepted.

    He's presence has raised the profile of football in the kingdom, but the player himself was keen to remain in Europe before making the move. The Champions League has been a stage on which he's thrived, which has led to links with the Saudi-owned Newcastle, who could finish in the top four this term.

    The Magpies were bought by Saudi's Public Investment Fund (PIF) last season and have enjoyed a rapid rise, in part down to some shrewd recruitment. Eddie Howe is steering the club in the right direction but has distanced Newcastle from lucrative a move for Ronaldo.

    He said in October: "We're trying to provide long-term growth, we've got a longer-term vision. At the moment, we have quite an ageing squad, so we probably need to invest in more young players. That's probably a big part of our progression, really. We need to get the average age down, so it might not be a signing [Ronaldo] that we would necessarily look to make – but not under-estimating the quality of the player."

    Newcastle, despite having millions at their disposal, have not added headline names, instead preferring to sign players with potential. The likes of Sven Botman, Alexander Isak and Anthony Gordon have all arrived at St James' Park in the last 12 months.

    Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections
    Newcastle have been linked with a move for Cristiano Ronaldo due to their Saudi connections 
    Getty Images)

    Saudi's owners have not yet seen a major name arrive in the north east, but Ronaldo wouldn't certainly raise their profile. The 37-year-old is in the twilight years of his career but did score 18 times in the league for United last term despite their struggles.

    Ronaldo is currently occupying 17 suites at The Four Seasons hotel in Riyadh. It is reported to cost over £250,000-a-month with Ronaldo and his family said to be staying in the two-floor Kingdom suite, which has gold and marble accents throughout the rooms. Newcastle's squad stayed at the same hotel when they went to Saudi Arabia for a recent tour.

    The five-time Ballon d'Or winner has endured a mixed start to life on the pitch in the Middle east. He made his debut in an all-star game that saw him come up against Lionel Messi. Earlier this week he failed to score as Al-Nassr were beaten in the Saudi Super Cup semi-final by Al-Ittihad.

    Riscontrol Consultores Lda

    isto é para RIR... ou chorar... tenham vergonha... não adianta tapar o sol com uma peneira... o SOL é a realidade o CR6e1/2 é a obvia peneira

    O jornal inglês Daily Star recolheu alguns depoimentos de adeptos desagradados com a atitude do craque português.

    "Ronaldo é tão infantil, o meu G.O.A.T. [melhor de todos os tempos] nunca faria coisas tão vergonhosas como estas", "Um homem de 38 anos que ainda tem o temperamento de um miúdo de 12 anos", "Vejam como ele está irritado, parece uma criança"



    1. pronto, já podemos voltar às questões importantes!
      Como acabar com a corrupção no nosso regime dito democrático!

