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Porto, 28/05/20
Assunto: recortes turismo
Jorge Cardoso
EU tourism trends
UNWTO wishes to acknowledge the support of
Unit F4 - Tourism, Emerging and Creative Industries of DG GROW and expresses
its appreciation to the following peer reviewers who have contributed with
their expertise: Sérgio Guerreiro from Turismo de Portugal, Jennifer Iduh from
the European Travel Commission (ETC), Angelika Liedler and Julia Mauk from
Austria’s Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Peter Nash from
Tourism Ireland and Markéta Vogelová from CzechTourism.
The European Union constitutes the second largest
economy in the world
With a combined
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of euro 14,900 billion in 2016, the EU economy is
the second largest in the world, accounting for 22% of the world’s economic
output (table 1.2).
European destinations attract half of the world’s
tourist arrivals
Europe at large
(both EU and extra-EU) remains the most visited region in the world, accounting
for 50% of the world’s tourist arrivals and 37% of global tourism receipts, and
continues to lead growth in absolute terms. With a rich cultural heritage and a
favourable sociopolitical environment, and comprising many large source
markets, Europe boasts twice the arrivals of the second most visited region in
the world, Asia and the Pacific.
Portugal also showed
solid performance in 2016, with international guest arrivals in accommodation
establishments growing 12%. A new survey of international arri-vals at
frontiers estimated a total of 18 million overnight visitors in 2016. Tourism
earnings grew by 11% to euro 13 billion.
Portugal spent euro 3.8 billion on
international tourism in 2016.
The number of international nights varies
greatly among source markets. The share of international nights is bigger in
comparatively smaller countries such as Luxembourg, where almost all nights are
spent on outbound tourism (99%), Belgium (89% of all nights), Malta (83%),
Cyprus (79%) and Slovenia (78%). In larger countries such as Greece (12%),
Romania (13%), Spain and France (both 18%) and Portugal (20%) the share of
international nights is lower.
In 2016, there were 608 thousand
accommodation establishments in the European Union offering 31 million
bed-places. Domestic and international guests together spent 3.1 billion nights
in EU accommodation establishments, generated by 1 billion arrivals. This
represents an average of 3 nights spent per arrival at accommodation
The United
States remains the undisputed top source market outside the EU
In 2016,
visitors from the Americas spent 120 million nights in EU accommodation
establishments (table 8.3).
Approximately 3 million guests from Brazil
spent 10 million nights in 2016 at accommodation establishments in EU
destinations (3 nights per establishment on average). Nights spent by Brazilian
visitors grew at an annual average rate of 7% between 2012 and 2016. Brazilians
spent more nights in Italy, with 1.9 million nights reported in 2016. In
Portugal, a familiar destination for Brazilians due to cultural ties and the
language, nights reached 1.6 million after growing an average 9% a year from
2012 to 2016. Spain and France both accounted for around 1 million nights,
while Brazilian visitors spent 665 thousand nights in Germany.
Tourism creates jobs for women and youth
Tourism accounts for 6% of total exports and
22% of services exports in the EU
Southern and Mediterranean destinations enjoy the
highest shares of export earnings from tourism
The percentage
of tourism (BOP Travel and Passenger Transport) in overall exports is highest
in EU destinations in Southern and Mediterranean Europe. Croatia (36%), Greece
(29%), Cyprus (22%) and Portugal (20%) boast the largest shares of tourism
earnings relative to exports. The lowest are found in the Western European
destinations of the Netherlands (2%) and Belgium (3%).
Relative to
services exports specifically, the share of international tourism is also
highest in Southern and Mediterranean destinations, namely in Croatia (73%),
Greece (59%) and Portugal (58%), where tourism represents over half their
services exports.
Highest surplus in Southern and Mediterranean
destinations Spain, Italy and Greece
countries, Spain has the largest tourism trade surplus (euro 37 billion)
followed by Italy (euro 14 billion) and Greece (euro 11 billion).
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